Friday, November 8, 2013

Clarke's Standard

Having already feasted upon some NYC street food, when we walked past Clarke's we decided that dinner was simply an entry. Now it was time for the main course.

Clarke's Standard, we discovered later, is a burger joint offshoot of PJ Clarke's.  It's the equivalent of Doyles seafood starting their own fish and chip shop.

The restaurant greeted us with its welcoming burger smell.  No burger was over CHECK, and our orders arrived quickly.  

The burger presented well. Placed in an open box with oil paper, we felt as though this burger came with its own love.

What's noticeable about these patties is that they are thick! They are probably the thickest meat patty we have ever seen in a take away food restuarant.  Biting into this patty was a meat treat- the patty was thick and juicy and

However the bun did not live up to its name, and, we would argue, sub-standard.  The bun lacked lustre and warmth.  It arrived feeling cold, whilst the interior of the bun felt warm to the touch.  This initial tactile sensation of touching a cold bun was unexpected, and fairly off putting.  It lacked body, but was solid enough for us to pick up the whole burger.

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