Friday, September 23, 2016

Too much Piggy on the Peppa Pig, Bar Luca

With the newly opened Wynard walk, we made our way from Barangaroo to our good old faithful, Bar Luca. Our radars were tuned in on some good burger goodness.

When we arrived, the specials board greeted us like a new friend, waiting for us to get acquainted.

The Peppa Pig reeled us in. I mean, who can resist Dr. Pepper braised pork? And having watched the cartoons of Peppa Pig with the little people in our lives, we were sordidly wanting to devour this cartoon character that occupied so much of our time.

Gosh these burgers looked great!!! 10 out of 10 for presentation.
Wait a minute.... what's that sticking out on the side of this burger???

Upon closer inspection....

Is that a pig's hair I see??

It certainly was. We seemed to have glossed to part on the board about 'crispy pig ears'. The pig ear cartilage and the pig hairs put us off this burger pig time. Biting into this burger and experiencing the pig ear crunchiness was a little bit too close to biting into something you'd buy for your dog from Pet Barn.

Too much piggy. The whole experience has put us off this burger and also Bar Luca for the time being. 

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