Friday, September 9, 2016

Best on the North Shore- Five Points

Lunch was on, so we decided to head down to Five Points Burgers.

The Manhattan burger presents well. The yellow tinge of melted American cheese, colourful iceburg lettuce, with pickles stashed away inside was enough to make our mouths water.

Definitely a highlight of this burger was the bun. A beautifully soft brioche bun nicely sandwiched these patties and held the whole thing together.

The meat was good quality and tasty, the cheese melted to perfection. We'd love these patties to be thicker, and there to be a lot more pickles. A little raw onion wouldn't go astray either.

We decided we have become salted caramel addicts. This milkshake went down really well and filled all the spaces in our stomach that was not already taken up by the burger. We went home in a food coma.

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