Saturday, January 23, 2016

Burgers By Josh X Young Henrys

'Burgers by Josh' has become a bit of a thing of adoration for Sydney burger lovers. When we heard that Josh was doing a pop up in Newtown, we jumped at the chance.

The venue was a hidden hole in the wall micro brewery in the heart of Newtown called Young Henrys. The place was bustling when we arrived. Young Henrys make great beers, so it makes sense to combine winning beers with great burgers.

When we arrived to place our order, the crew were busy churning out burgers for the hungry masses. Apparently they had run out of bacon (free bacon for FBAS members)

The cooking equipment was simply a BBQ. The boys would cook the burgers to caramelise and add that lovely char grilled look, flip, add American cheese until it melted, and then place on the grill above the hot plate. This way the meat continues to cook from the heat on the hot plate, but the end product is a juicier, more tender meat patty.

Here is the rock star of Sydney burgers himself- Josh! He patiently cooked the patties and then when ready, would hand test them to see if they were cooked right.

The end produce was superb. A double patty with dripping cheese, and special sauce.
We couldn't stop eating the fries- covered in smoked paprika and special sauce that had a chilli kick to it, and other special spices. We couldn't resist the crunchiness of these fries and their fluffiness inside.

Next we tackled the burgers. The first thing we did upon receiving our burgers was to press our hand upon the bun. These buns were glorious- soft, fluffy and yet firm.  And then the first bite...

These burgers were delicious. The patty was juicy and moist. We marvelled at how our patties were cooked differently- one was cooked more than the other, but neither of them were dry. The American cheese is a winner in this burger, but the real hero in this burger was the meat patty. Not only was the meat tasty, but Josh has the meat to fat ratio down-pat. Our burgers dripped oil, which we promptly used to dip our chips in. The spanish onions added to the experience. Josh's special sauce not only pleasingly oozed out of the burger, but added a depth of flavour to this wonder.

The burger was simple, and yet it was done to perfection. Even though we noticed that it lacked bacon and pickles, the burger was so perfect that it shows that even a simple burger, when done right, will make you come back for more.

Burgers by Josh was so popular that it was closed by 4pm. That's a sell out within 4 hours. We were glad that we just made it! A few hungry people arrived after 4 and left with rumbling tummies. This usually happens to us, but not this time!

Burgers by Josh- we will hunt you down again when you are in North Sydney. Simple yet perfect.

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