Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The best of both worlds- the Reuben Burger

When we were hanging out in the city recently, the only thing on our mind was a hamburger (‘Surprise, surprise’, I hear you say).  But no ordinary hamburger was on our mind.  We were in the mood to try something different- something with a twist.  So we embarked upon a visit to Reuben and Moore to feast.

We could feel our salivary glands flowing as we rode up the escalator to the 5th level of the Westfield building, which is located in the Pitt Street Mall.  Reuben and Moore is known for being one of the (at last count, 3) places in Sydney that prepares the classic Reuben sandwich.  We have sampled these fine sandwiches before. 

What we did not expect, however, was their Reuben burger.  We are always up for something new, but only if it consists of 2 buns, a meat patty, and some melted cheese goodness.

Before we can celebrate the gastronomic excellence of the Reuben burger, we need to take a step back so that we can appreciate more fully what this burger achieves.  I have sadly discovered many Australian readers are unfamiliar with the concept of the Reuben sandwich.  So it is here that we necessarily begin our journey of degustation.

For the uninitiated, a Reuben sandwich is a NYC sandwich which consists of tender corn beef, loaded upon a base of sauerkraut, topped with melted Swiss cheese, served upon a toasted rye bread, and served with a whole pickle on the side. Reuben and Moore make their Reuben sandwiches with 2 differences to the traditional NYC Reuben.  They serve their Reuben sandwiches with on fresh bread rather than toasted rye, and a chopped pickle is included inside the sandwich rather than on the side.  I was also a little disappointed that the cheese was not melted inside my Reuben.  Whilst these differences would matter in NYC, they don’t seem to bother the unassuming Australian public.  The proof of this is that during Sydney city lunch-hour, this place is full of our city’s finest and hungriest workers.

A Reuben burger, as the name suggests, combines all the goodness of a burger with all the virtues of a Reuben sandwich.  We did not know that this combination existed in NYC, let alone Sydney.  The more we think about how unique this combination is in Sydney, the more we realise that we need to hurry back here and experience this matchless culinary delight before too long.

We watched with craving eyes as the burger was made.  We witnessed a thick meat patty being grilled upon an open flame, melted cheese on top, with generous carvings of corn beef placed on top. It took every ounce of will power not to leap over the counter and sample the succulent meat before it was assembled into our burger.  For a moment we thought we were guests at a BBQ who were being invited to sample a carving of dripping hot meat as it comes off the BBQ.  Our surroundings quickly reminded us that we were consumers in a restaurant and we had to restrain ourselves.

 This burger takes you to a place where you don’t expect to go.  The juicy patties are oozing beefy flavour.  The taste of the hot corn-beef complemented the burger, but created it its own unique blend.  Upon biting into this burger, your senses can easily fool you into thinking that you are eating a Reuben.  The combination of cheese, corn beef and pickles all sing in unison a Reuben song.  The only difference is that the juicy meat patty and the soft grilled buns are providing the instrumentals.  This is very special.

When you are eating this burger, you can easily enjoy the best of both worlds.  On one hand, you can enjoy all the burger-nourishment that comes from eating a hamburger.  But upon the next bite, you can allow yourself to be tantalised by the flavours of a Reuben.  Do you find it hard to decide whether you want to eat a Reuben sandwich or a hamburger, and know that you simply cannot have them both?  Now you can have it both ways.  At Reuben and Moore, it’s possible to have your cake and eat it too.


  1. Reuben + Burger = Pure Genius - These guys should get a Nobel Prize

  2. Could this be Australia's Next Top Burger?

  3. Thanks for telling us how it is - you guys rock

  4. Dave thinks that last comment was me - I swear its not me

  5. You boys are getting pretty famous for your blogging - you should rename this site "WikiEats" Keep up the good work

  6. What an adventure!
