Friday, May 18, 2018

Not-so-Grand Big Mac

Everything old is new again. At least that's what we wanted to believe when we decided to out the new Grand Big Mac. This is a celebration of MacDonalds 50 years of the Big Mac.

Two all beef patties, special sauce, lettuce, cheese, pickles, onions on a sesame seed bun was the mantra every kid in the 80's grew up with. We had childhood memories of Big Macs being huge, juicy, presented in squeaky styrofoam containers. We sure did make our contribution to land-fill back in the day from Big Mac overconsumption. Our childhood burgers were juicy, fatty and dripping with Big Mac sauce. A highlight was biting into these burgers, tasting the pickles and feeling the crunch of the raw onion, which just worked so well with the smotherings of special sauce. Often we would pull apart these burgers and reassemble them, creating 2 burgers, using the middle bun for one of the buns. Sometimes we even dream of these childhood experiences.

But today, our childhood dreams were shattered. The burger we purchased today was nothing at all like our childhood. Today's poor excuse for a Big Mac was not assembled as it used to be. The cheese was all stuck on the bottom, instead of being on both patties. The patties were dry. The buns were cold. The cheese wasn't melted, and the special sauce was a dreary smear compared to the lavish drippings of yesteryear. And there was no onion to speak of. Sadly, it seems as though our childhood will never be re-lived. Not lovin' it.

Let's hope the next 50 years will see a return to the good old days.

Maybe someone on the MacDonalds team needs to go back to the operations manual:

Then we'd be loving' it for 50 more years.