Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Wendy's $0.99 burgers

Desperate times call for desperate measures. This burger was consumed on a 4 hour trip from DC to Norfolk. It only cost 99 cents. If I ate the dollar bill and added ketchup, it probably would have tasted the same.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Big Nick's NYC

Lindy's Cheesecake NYC

Seinfeld's Restaurant in NYC

Subs at Dayton Airport

Cincinatti- Five Guys

Home cooked Pork Burgers

We wanted to go here

One night, we were watching the food channel, and we saw a programme called 'Meat and Potatoes'.

Smoked meat, cooked to perfection, stacked between slices of bread.

Later, we discovered it came from here:

Our mouth wouldn't stop watering.

Hog Island Oysters

Burgers were not the only thing we ate.  Our tastes are eclectic...

Local home grown, courtesy of California.  A bit chunkier than Sydney Rock Oysters but they still slide down well.

Burger Bar

We googled 'best burgers in San Francisco' and Burger Bar was one of the hits.  This was a burger restaurant on the top floor of Macy's.  Australian readers, think of a rich man's Macdonald's, on the top floor of a David Jones store.  Nothing like it.

 I (David) chose a moose burger.  When in America right?
A nutella burger? What the...

As soon as we landed

As soon as we landed in San Fran, our mouth started watering for an American burger.  So we found this place:

Here is what we ordered:

Meat score: 3.5/5  The meat was compact. It was rather chunky to bite into.
Bun Score: 4/5
Ergonomics: 3.5/5 Easy to hold, not too messy.
Taste: 4/5 The bacon was a nice touch, but the salad was too much.

After 14 hours on a plane from Sydney to San Fran with nothing but airplane food, any burger would taste this good.

Naming a Blog

We are a couple of Aussie guys who like eating hamburgers.   But we won't settle for any kind of generic, stale Maccas burgers.  We want a hearty, juicy, meat sizzling, mouth-watering, cheese-dripping, American burger.  With or without trans-fat.

This blog is our mission to find the ultimate American burger.

We decided to call this blog 'Visions of a Burger'.  The inspiration came from the poor homeless man in San Francisco who was carrying a sign of the same name.  Whoever you are, the first burger is on us.